Further reading
This is an informal bibliography of the books and articles that inspired this project. You can also find a selection of useful online archives here. All these texts are useful further reading on themes ranging from the history of the internet to authenticity online. I especially recommend the writing of Hito Steyerl, as well as the archival work of Olia Lialina and Dragan Espenschied, which was my first introduction to the challenges and rewards of trying to archive internet media.
Why Hasn't Everything Already Disappeared? Jean Baudrillard, Seagull Books, 2009.
The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. Walter Benjamin, Random House, 1936.
"Thomas Ruff: Aesthetic of the Pixel." David Campany, IANN Magazine, 2008.
"The Silence of the Lens." David Claerbout, e-flux, May 2016.
"Preservation by Accident is Not a Plan". Dragan Espenscheid, Rhizome, May 2017.
"The IRL Fetish." Nathan Jurgenson, The New Inquiry, June 2012.
"Pics and it Didn't Happen." Nathan Jurgenson, The New Inquiry, Feb. 2013.
"Raiders of the Lost Web." Adrienne LaFrance, The Atlantic, Oct. 2015.
Still There. Olia Lialina. Contemporary Home Computing, 2012.
"The Cobweb." Jill Lepore, The New Yorker, Jan. 2015.
The Medium is the Massage. Marshall McLuhan, Penguin Books, 1967.
"Ode to the Void." Kyle Paoletta, Real Life Mag, Mar. 2017.
"Language Arts." Renée Reizman, Real Life Mag, June 2017.
On Photography. Susan Sontag, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1977.
"Too Much World: Is the Internet Dead?" Hito Steyerl, e-flux, Nov. 2013.
"The Spam of the Earth: Withdrawal from Representation." Hito Steyerl, e-flux, Feb. 2012.
The Dycam Model 1, one of the first commercially available digital cameras, as seen in a 1992 report on CNN.